
Spiderman: First photo by Andrew Garfield in the costume of the Weaver

Dark, damaged and thin ... is how one can describe Andrew Garfield in the role of Spiderman. This is only the first official picture of spiderman reboot, but it has some clues about the direction expected from the film. Spidey does not have his mask, but if Peter Parker will be in the movie a young student who discovers his super powers, the general tone of the film may be dark, VERY Dark. Far from what had been established in Sam Raimi's three movies. Garfield carries the scars on his face, like scratch marks on his suit suggests that Spidey has just delivered a tough fight against an enemy. Furthermore, the costume is very graphic and lack of muscle (or steroids) gives a realistic look at superheroes ... That's what Andrew Garfield had insisted in his recent statements on MTV site: "He's human, too human and it passes through the same kind of crisis that the other" ...
Suffice it to add that Andrew Garfield has proved that he knew to play (well) in Boy A and Social Network. In short: This image gives furiously hungry for more! Directed by Mark Webb (young talented filmmaker who is set to 500 days) and Emma Stone in the role of Gwen Stacy, Spiderman released in July 2012. Will you to be patented so far? And how would you rate this first picture?

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